Aprile: Giorno 63The Rise5 apr 2021A) 4 Set - Rest 2' 12 (Db/Kb) Good Morning 12 Db/Kb Romanian Deadlift 1' Glute Bridge HoldB) FOR TIME 2' Plank Hold then 3 rounds of 25 V-Ups 15 Alt. Db/Kb Devil's Press 2' Plank Hold
A) 4 Set - Rest 2' 12 (Db/Kb) Good Morning 12 Db/Kb Romanian Deadlift 1' Glute Bridge HoldB) FOR TIME 2' Plank Hold then 3 rounds of 25 V-Ups 15 Alt. Db/Kb Devil's Press 2' Plank Hold
13:40 gli ultimi 2 minuti a intermittenza 😅
14:00... buona pasquetta 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲