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The Rise
20 mag 2021
Rinnovo Abbonamenti
Ciao a tutti! Nel corso della giornata di oggi stiamo riattivando i vostri pacchetti/abbonamenti. Riceverete o avrete ricevuto...
The Rise
19 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 81
A) 3 Set - R2' 12/side Clamshell Plank 24 Elbow Plank Knee to Elbow 12/side V-Ups/Tuck-Ups B) FOR TIME 50-40-30-20-10 Thruster 5-4-3-2-1...
The Rise
17 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 80
A) Death by Push-Ups B) EMOM 20' 45'' Air Squat 45'' DU/SU 45'' Down & Up 45'' Step-Ups
The Rise
14 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 79
A) Skill: Turkish Get-Up B) FOR TIME 1--->10 1 Arm Db/Kb Thruster Burpees over the line (30 cm)
The Rise
12 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 78
A) Skill: "Double Under" - Single Under Lenti - Doppio Tap a corpo libero - 4 Single Under + 1 Double Under - 3 SU + 1 DU - 2 SU + 1 DU -...
The Rise
10 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 77
A) 4 Set (Rest 60") 10/side Bird Dog 10/Side Dead Bug 45''/ Side Lat. Plank B) FOR TIME 150 Alt. Db Snatch * Every time you drop (or take...
The Rise
7 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 76
A) EMOM 15' - 40'' Air Squat - 40" Shuttle Run - Rest B) Accumulate 4' Plank Position
The Rise
5 mag 2021
Maggio : Giorno 75
A) Every 1:30" x 15' - 6 Pike HSPU B) AMRAP 12' 12 Db/Kb Hang Clean 12 Db/Kb Push Press 36 DU/SU/Lat. Hop
The Rise
3 mag 2021
Maggio: Giorno 74
A) 5 Set (Rest 90") -15 Goblet Squat Jump B) EMOM 20' - 18 American Swing / Alt. Db/Kb Snatch - 18 V-Up/Tuck-Up - 9/12 Burpees - 1 Wall...
The Rise
30 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 73
A) 5 Sets | Rest 40" 20"/Side Copenaghen Plank 40" Hollow Hold B) ANNIE 50-40-30-20-10 DU/SU/Lat. Hops Sit-Ups
The Rise
26 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 72
A) For Quality 50 (dx) Half Kneeling Curl 50 (sx) Half Kneeling Curl 50 (dx) 3 Point Row 50 (sx) 3 Point Row B) Giorno 36 Re-Test For...
The Rise
26 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 71
A) 4 Sets - R 60'' 10 + 10 Leg Behind (Goblet) Pistol Squat B) For Time 21 Reverse Burpees 1' Plank 9 Wall Climb Rest 2' 18 Reverse...
The Rise
21 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 70
A) EMOM 12' - 40'' Lat. Plank Dx - 40'' Lat. Plank Sx - 30'' Hollow Hold B) RE-TEST Giorno 2 10 Rounds for Time 10 Alt. Db/Kb Snatch 10...
The Rise
19 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 69
A) "Bring Sally Up" by OVH Squat (40) Bring Sally Up - Push Up Challenge with Timer - YouTube B) 4 Intervals (2' on e 2' off) 16 Alt....
The Rise
17 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 68
A) EMOM 15' 1 Wall Climb 10'' Hold Top Position B) RE-TEST "Giorno 1" For Time 21-15-9 Burpees Over Db/Kb 42-30-18 Db/Kb Thruster
The Rise
15 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 67
A) 4 Set | Rest 2' 10/Side "3-Point" Row 10 Tempo Horn Curl (3030) B) For Time 3 Round 20 Hang Cluster (10+10) 10 Push-Up 10 Burpees Over...
The Rise
12 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 66
A) 4 Set - Rest 60'' 10 Alt. Tuck-Ups 8 Tuck-Ups 6 Alt. V-Ups 4 V-Ups 20'' Hollow Hold B) 3 Round 10 Db/Kb Snatch Dx 10 Db/Kb Ovh Lunges...
The Rise
11 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 65
A) Every 45'' for 15 Sets 1 Wall Climb/Partial Wall Climb B) FOR TIME 300 Air Squat Every 2' 5 Burpees over Start with Burpees
The Rise
7 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 64
A) 4 Set (Rest 2') 8 Tempo Goblet Squat (33X1) 16 Jumping Lunges B) FOR TIME 10-9-8-7.....1 Alt. Db/Kb Snatch Pike HSPU
The Rise
5 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 63
A) 4 Set - Rest 2' 12 (Db/Kb) Good Morning 12 Db/Kb Romanian Deadlift 1' Glute Bridge Hold B) FOR TIME 2' Plank Hold then 3 rounds of 25...
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