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The Rise
1 apr 2021
Aprile: Giorno 62
A) 4 Set - Rest 90'' 8/Side Bulgarian Split Squat 12 Cyclist Squat B) Death by Burpees
The Rise
30 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 61
A) EMOM 12' -20'' Handstand Hold - 6 Pike HSPU B) For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Alt. Goblet Front Lunges Sit-Ups Single Under / Lat. Hops
The Rise
26 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 60 - CROSSFIT OPEN 21.3
A) WARM-UP 2 Set (Rest 1'/2') 10 Baby maker 10 Air Squat 10 Twisted Baby maker 10+10 Front Lunges 10 Spider Lunges + T-Frame 10 Down Dog...
The Rise
24 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 59
A)TABATA Hollow Hold Rest 2' TABATA Superman Hold Rest 2' TABATA Lat. Plank (Alternating) B)FOR QUALITY 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 1 Arm Db/Kb...
The Rise
19 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 58 - CROSSFIT OPEN 21.2
A) Warm Up 2 Round 10 Alt Spider Lunges 10 Half Burpees 10 Air Thruster 10 (5 + 5) 1Arm Db/Kb Deadlift ------- 2 Round 5 Alt. Db/Kb...
The Rise
18 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 57
A) 5 Sets - Rest 30" 10 Alt. V-Ups Directly into 5 Sets - Rest 30" 30" Hollow Plank/Plank B) 5 Round for Time 15 Kb Swing/Db Hang Snatch...
The Rise
13 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 56 - CROSSFIT OPEN 21.1
Warm - Up 3 Sets - Rest 1' 5 Walkout Push-up 10 Prone Snow Angel 10/Side Spiderman and Reach 5 Down Dog Push-Up 30 SU/Lat. Hops CROSSFIT...
The Rise
11 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 55
A) Every 2' x 12' 4 Pike Push-Up 6 Push-Up 8 Dip B) "Ellen" 3 Round for Time 20 Burpees 21Alt Db/Kb Snatch 12 Kb/Db Thruster
The Rise
8 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 54
A) 4 Round for Time 60 DU/ SU/ Lat. Hops 20 V-Ups / Tuck - Ups 15 Alt. Devil's Press B) 4 Set - R 90" 12 Bench Dip 8/Side S.Arm Arnold Press
The Rise
3 mar 2021
Marzo: Giorno 53
A) EMOM 8' 8/10 1Arm Db/Kb OVH Squat B) 5 Intervals (30" on - 30" off) - Max Thruster Rest 3' Repeat with - Max Burpees
The Rise
1 mar 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 52
A) 4 Rounds for Quality 10 Side Plank Pulse dx 10 Side Plank Rotations dx 10 Side Plank Pulse sx 10 Side Plank Rotations sx B) EMOM 21'...
The Rise
22 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 51
A) 5 x 8/Side (Rest 60") Tempo (3030) Goblet Squat Bulgarian Split Squat B) AMRAP 12' 4 Burpees 8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 12 Lateral Hops...
The Rise
19 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 50
A) EMOM 10' 5 Pike HSPU B) 3x AMRAP 5' 25 Db/Kb Swing 20 Alt. Db/Kb Clean 15 Db/Kb Push Press 10 V-Ups Max Squat in the remaining time
The Rise
17 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 49
A) 4 Set - Rest 75"/90" 8+8 1 Arm Db/Kb Row 12Db/Kb 1+1/2 Curl B) For Time Burpee Tuck Jump 10,9,8.. 1 Arm Db/Kb OVH Squat 20,18,16...
The Rise
15 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 48
A) Death by Push-Up B) AMRAP 20' 5 Pike HSPU 10 Alt. Pistol 15 Down & Up
The Rise
12 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 47
A) 4 Set - Rest 2' 30" Lat. Plank (dx) 30" Hollow Plank 30" Lat. Plank (sx) 30" Hollow Hold B) 5 Intervals (90" on e 90" off) 15 Db/KB...
The Rise
10 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 46
A) 10' work on pistols 4 x 12 Alternati B) For Time 10,9,8,7...1 Db/Kb C&J (dx) 8 Burpees Over 1,2,3,4...10 Db/Kb C&J (sx)
The Rise
8 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 45
A) 4 Set (Rest 60") 30" Lat Plank dx 30" Lat Plank dx 10 Alt V-Ups/Tuck-Ups B) EMOM 18' - 3 + 3 + 3 (Burpee + Devil's Press + Thruster)...
The Rise
5 feb 2021
Febbraio: Giorno 44
A) 5 Set - Rest 60" Hollow Hold 30" Handstand Hold 30" B) 10' AMRAP 9 Db/Kb Snatch 10 Push-Up 9 Db/Kb Snatch 10 Air Squat
The Rise
3 feb 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 43
A) 4 Set (Rest 90") 8 Db/Kb Row (2" Stop) 8 + 8 Glute Bridge Floor Press 24 Db/Kb Russian Twist B) 5 Intervals (2:00 Rest) 15 Db/Kb...
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