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The Rise
1 feb 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 42
A) 5 Set (Rest 2'/2:30'') 1' Wall Sit (Weighted) B) "JT" (Home Edition) 21-15-9 Pike HSPU Chair Dip Push-Up/Knee Push-Up
The Rise
29 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 41
A) 3 Set - Rest 90" 8 Plank Knee to Elbow (R) 16 Alternating Tuck-Ups 8 Plank Knee to Elbow (L) 1' Elbow Plank B) FOR TIME 27-21-15-9...
The Rise
28 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 40
A) 5 x 10 (Rest as needed) Weighted Box Jump * Focus Max Height B) EMOM 16' - 16 1 Arm Db/Kb Ovh Alt. Front Lunges - 10 Al Db/Kb Devil's...
The Rise
25 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 39
A) FOR QUALITY 4 Set - Rest 2' 10/Side Single Leg Romanian Deadlift 10/Side Split Squat B) EMOM 10' 20, 18, 16, 14... Russian Swing 1, 2,...
The Rise
22 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 38
A) 5 Set - Rest 60" 10 Tuck-Ups 30" Hollow Hold B) For Time 30-20-10 Alt. Pistols Push-Ups Alt. Db/Kb Snatch
The Rise
20 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 37
"ALVISE" 19 Rounds for Time 1 Wall Climb 20 Sit-Up 21 Air Squat
The Rise
18 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 36
A) 4 Set - Rest 90'' 8/10 Side Curl and Press 10 Pike Hspu B) TEST For time 100 Burpees
The Rise
15 gen 2021
Gennaio: Giorno 35
A) For Quality 7-5-3-1 Wall Climb 1' Hollow Hold B) EMOM 20' - 5 Hang Squat Clean + 5 Lunges + 5 P.Press (dx) - 5 Hang Squat Clean + 5...
The Rise
14 gen 2021
Dicembre: Giorno 34
A) 4 Set - Rest 2' 20 Jumping Squat 8/side Tempo Bulgarian Split Squat (3030) B) FOR TIME 100 Alt. Db/Kb Clean&Jerk* *Every 1' minute...
The Rise
11 gen 2021
Dicembre: Giorno 33
A) Work on PISTOL SQUAT 4 x 10/side B) FOR TIME 50-40-30-20-10 Sit-Ups Du/Su/Lat Hops 25/20/15/10/5 Db/Kb Snatch
The Rise
8 gen 2021
Dicembre: Giorno 32
A) EMOM 12' 6 Strict HSPU/ Pike HSPU B) FOR TIME 4 Rounds 25 Db/Kb Thruster (Switch arm every round) 25 Burpees over the Db/Kb
The Rise
4 gen 2021
Dicembre: Giorno 31
A) 4 Round - Rest 2' 10 Sit-Up 8 Alt. V-Up 6 Hollow Rock 4 V-Up / Tuck-Up 20" Hollow Hold B) FOR TIME 10-9-8-7......1 Alt. Db/Kb Snatch...
The Rise
1 gen 2021
Dicembre: Giorno 30
A) 3 Set - Rest 3' 15/Side Goblet Reverse Lunges 20 Jumping Lunges B) 5 Round for Time (10 Total Round) 12 Deadlift 9 Hang Clean 6...
The Rise
30 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 29
A) 4 Sets - Rest 90" 8/10 Kneeling Arnold Press (dx) 8/10 "3 Point" Row (dx) 8/10 Kneeling Arnold Press (sx) 8/10 "3 Point" Row (sx) B)...
The Rise
28 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 28
A) 4 Sets - Rest 90" 15 Bulgarian Split Squat Dx 30"/45" Handastand Hold 15 Bulgarian Split Squat Sx B) 30' EMOM - 10 Alt. Hang Cluster -...
The Rise
23 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 26
A) 4 Set (Rest 60") 12 Side Plank 12 Plank March 45" Hollow Plank B) Every 3' for 30' 4 Devil's Press 8 Push Up 16 Air Squat 24 Du/Su/Lat...
The Rise
21 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 25
A) Squat Jump (Rest: 45" / 60") 3x15 2x20 1x25 B) AMRAP 21' 7 Hang Snatch (dx) 7 OverHead Squat (dx) 14 Alternating V-Ups 7 Hang Snatch...
The Rise
18 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 24
A) Every 1:30" x 15' 6/8 Pike Hspu B) 4 Rounds for Time 20 Down and Up 20 (10+10) Step-Up 20 (W) Sit -Up + Press 40 Du/Su/Lat. Hops
The Rise
16 dic 2020
Dicembre: Giorno 23
A) 4 Set - Rest 90" 12 Alt Goblet Tall Kneeling to Standing 12 Tempo (30X1) Hip Thrust 45" Goblet Wall Sit B) Not for time 5-4-3-2-1 Wall...
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